
Play-By-Post: Match 01 Post-Game

Ye dungoneers who hath braved the challenges of the first Play-By-Post Fourthcore Team Deathmatch have blazed a trail into the realms of Dungeons & Dragons, pushing back the boundaries of what is and what is not possible, and come out better dungeoneers for it. Please, use this post as a means to comment on the strengths, weaknesses, and unique experiences you encountered during Match 01, while contemplating the next arena before you.

During the match, there was quite a bit of excitement and a flurry of communications within the teams. I've caught little snippets of it, and have asked all the teams to send me their FTDM email conversations for posterity, enjoyment, and as a strategy resource on how teams have planned for and handled the match. Also, please get me your DND 4e files, for archiving purposes, if you can and I'll post them here.

Let me just say that this past month has been tremendously fun. You're all a joy to game with, and I look forward to all the gibbings we will have together in the future!




Stuck somewhere between the dimension we know and love, and a realm of Lovecraftian disorder and horror, we find teams of gladiators. They fight over mystical flags, through a red and blue haze of constant reincarnation.



My first FTDM map is complete and ready to be stained with the blood of countless victims. Let the carnage begin!

Play-By-Post: Match 01, Round 06 (FINAL ROUND)

Playoffs! 15 === wetwORCs 17 === QuadCore 13
Round 6 - FIGHT!


Play-by-Post: Match 01, Round 05

Playoffs! 13 === wetwORCs 15 === QuadCore 13

Sarah Connor - Renato Ugarth Dav'd - T.Grumpkin - Og - P3-10R - Morthos C.T.Feltek - Odesso Alecto Kludge - Dungeon Master
Round 5 - FIGHT!


FTDM Match 2 Call to Arms!

That's right you slabs of meat, I will be hosting Match 2 of the Fourthcore Team Deathmatch. Please read all the rules for character creation, and the play-by-post variant rules to get familiar with the format. As Gib happy as I am, I am sticking to the standard Play-by-post rules for this match.

The map will be E2M1: Minecart Massacre, so it'll pay to read the info for that as well.

I am looking for 8 dungeoneers (2 teams of 4) to take the field. Once I have 8, I'll make an announcement of the start date. It will be at least a week after I've filled the last slot. The match will last 12 rounds.


A larger version of this map can be found here. You can also view the high-resolution print version.

Play-by-Post: Match 01, Round 04

Playoffs! 09 === wetwORCs 11 === QuadCore 10
Sarah Connor - Renato Ugarth Dav'd - T.Grumpkin - Og - P3-10R - Morthos C.T.Feltek - Odesso Alecto Kludge - Dungeon Master
Sarah Connor - Renato Ugarth Dav'd - T.Grumpkin - Og - P3-10R - Morthos C.T.Feltek - Odesso Alecto Kludge - Dungeon Master
Round 4 - FIGHT!


Situated within an active volcano, this rickety mining platform hosts tight quarters combat. Players pushed into the mine rails are met with a mine cart that will hastily shuttle them off to their demise. However gaining control over the rail switch can grant you control of the path the mine carts will take. The lower track features perilous hazards via stalactites, and broken sections of rail, while the top rail features the mine's owners, some Angry Kobolds, preparing to launch high explosive barrels towards the invaders of their mine! Grabbing one of these barrels and getting back to the platform will seal the fates of your opponents! 

Current Revision: 2


FTDM at Octobercon!

Not long ago, Fourthcore Team DeathMatch was contacted by Paul Weigle in regards to running some FTDM at the seventh annual Octobercon, held at The Shunned House in Norwich, CT. The con features an event called "The Clash of Champions". In this event, dueling Dungeon Masters Paul #1 and Paul #2 put their adventuring groups through a wringer of an adventure, "Hell Hath No Fury", the winner receiving a small boon for the final round. The dungeoneers knew that this was a competetive event, not unlike the D&D Open, but what they did not know was the special surprise that awaited them in the coming finale. After completing the first portion of the event, the dungeoneers were then wisked away to the (N is for ...) Netherworld and forced into a nightmarish scenario of unending bloodshed and torment, played out for the amusement of lords of the hell.

You may know this as E1M1: Slaughterhouse.

Below is the official post-game write up. You can read the excitement and exhiliration in the author's words. FTDM is the most frantic and exciting way to play Dungeons & Dragons, and it really shows here.


Play-by-Post: Match 01, Round 03

Playoffs! 06 === wetwORCs 07 === QuadCore 08
E1M2: The Citadel
Sarah Connor - Renato - Ugarth - Dav'd - T.GrumpkinOg - P3-10R - Morthos - C.T.Feltek - Odesso - Alecto - Kludge

Round 3 - FIGHT!


E2M1 Preview: Minecart Massacre

To give you guys a peek what's coming up in the E2 series, I'm happy to present: Minecart Massacre!

Situated within an active volcano, this rickety mining platform hosts tight quarters combat. Players pushed into the mine rails are met with a mine cart that will hastily shuttle them off to their demise. However gaining control over the rail switch can grant you control of the path the mine carts will take. The lower track features perilous hazards via stalactites, and broken sections of rail, while the top rail features the mine's owners, some Angry Kobolds, preparing to launch high explosive barrels towards the invaders of their mine! Grabbing one of these barrels and getting back to the platform will seal the fates of your opponents!

Also included, watch out for plumes of deadly lava, mine cart collisions, and suicide kobold bombers! Stay tuned for the final version and terrain powers to be posted soon!


Play-by-Post: Match 01 Round 02

Playoffs! 05 === wetwORCs 04 === QuadCore 06
E1M2: The Citadel
Sarah Connor - Renato - Ugarth - Dav'd - T Grumpkin - Og - P3-10R - Morthos - CT Feltek - Odesso - Alecto - Kludge